In which Isaac and AJ kill in the name of Gerard Butler.
In which Isaac and AJ conduct experiments to create super soldiers, only to instead create merely average soldiers.
In which Isaac and AJ would walk 22 miles just to be with you.
In which Isaac and AJ perform the entire show from the perspective of their officially licensed action figures.
In which Isaac and AJ hoard tins of baked beans in preparation for the inevitable apocalypse.
In which Isaac and AJ argue that it’s still bravery if you run away, screaming.
In which Isaac and AJ form heartwarming bonds with the stepladders they bought from Bunnings.
In which Isaac and AJ assume they can enrol into Cambridge simply by jauntily tying a jumper around their necks.
In which Isaac and AJ join a group that specialises in riding equipment for horses. A saddle club, so to speak.
In which Isaac and AJ get rubbed in felt and fabric. For science.
In which Isaac and AJ order 20 kilos of cocaine, only to be delivered talcum powder and a court summons.
In which Isaac and AJ mysteriously go missing in middle America, only to become embroiled in a sinister conspiracy.